Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Tribute to my Safety Net

Because of You:
I never go far to laugh.
I always can adjust.
I never feel alone.
You helped me learn to trust.

Because of You:
I never have to worry.
I always count on you.
I never feel unsafe.
You take away the blues.

Because of You:
I never do the minimum
I always continue on.
I never live in the past.
You taught me to move on.

Because of You:
I never have to lie,
I always ask you first.
I get the best advice,
You take away the worst.

Because of You:
I never take life too serious,
I always do my best.
I never run from consequence
You taught me self-respect.

And so,
Because of You:
I never ignore your help,
I always want you here.
I never fear the future,
As long as you stay near.