Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Confidence: Your Pre-Party Pep talk

Stop it.
Stop it right now.
You know what you're doing.
You're looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend.
Yeah you.
I caught you.
It's easy to see ya know.
It's more of a vibe really.
You're the one at the party
who's scoping the room,
looking for the hottie to claim
for longer than the night.
Well here's the thing.
Most hotties in college are not looking to be claimed.
If you're hot,
you have options.
It is what it is.
And if someone has options,
then you need to prove why you are their best one.
One of the best ways to do this,
is to have options yourself.
Once again,
it's the vibe thing.
When you're not looking for someone
you have a certain style about you.
Not fashion style. (But it helps)
You appear not to need anyone
and the best thing
is that you appear to be happy as is.
You appear confident.
Confidence is the single most attractive thing about anyone.
Hands down.
Just be confident.
Yeah I know,
easier said than done.
But here's the thing,
confidence is not that hard to find.
If you honestly can't list 5 great things about yourself,
then have someone else do it for you.
Hell I'll do it for you.
I could spend 5 minutes with a person
and even if I didn't like them
I bet I could list five things that were cool or attractive about them.
Pretty eyes?
Really good at WOW?
Fantastic organizer?
Great with kids?
Compassionate person?
Come on,
find yourself somewhere here.
The biggest thing about confidence,
is that sometimes you have to fake it. (sometimes faking it is the best solution for a situation. You know this.)
Fake it 'til you make it.
Sound familiar?
Same idea.
If you pretend you are the shit,
then other people are going to believe it.
After all,
you know you best.
You're your own best judge of character.
Before you go out to that party,
look at yourself in the mirror
and list 5 cool/attractvei/different things about yourself.
No on else at the party will have those things going for them.
You're better than them.
THEY are lucky to be talking to YOU.
You're not looking for anyone.
You've got options.
You're the shit.
You know it.
Everyone else knows it.
Go get em tiger.

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