Saturday, July 10, 2010

Let's All Just Be Friends

Today was a pretty excellent day.
I went to the good old Oregon Country Fair.
The best thing about that place is by far the people.
Everyone is so chill there.
No one's judging you by what you're wearing
and everyone's just lettin' their freak flag fly high.
I wish the whole world could be as accepting as my fellow fairgoers.
It'd make everything so much easier and less stressful
if people weren't so concerned about appearances.
We could all just be one big happy planet.
So goal of this entry,
be more accepting of others.
Don't judge a book by it's cover
and if you get the opportunity to talk to someone who would usually be outside of your social group,
do it.
Grow from it and learn.
This will make the world a little better place
and you may score a new friend.
Keep it real Line.
Happy to help,


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