Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Blog number one.
I always made fun of bloggers. [sorry guys]
I'll probably continue to make fun. [again, sorry]
But, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
This blog is another step in my pursuit of success.
I recently changed majors from pre-med to journalism. [sorry to those who are disappointed]
I've got a list of what I want to do.
I like options.
I always have.
Luckily the list is getting shorter as I cross things off.
I'm currently going through the list, in the form of classes.
I go to the University of Oregon.
Big school.
Lots of classes.
Lots of options. [you see the appeal right?]
Anyway, here's my point.
This is my blog.
It will help you get through your life, because I'm living mine so you can learn from my mistakes.
We can call it:
"Bee's Guide to Not Sucking at Life".
So let's learn together.
We can have each others' backs.
Happy to help.


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