The last post ended badly...
I ruptured my eardrum on the plane...
It hurt.
Real bad.
But anyway I'm okay now
and on medication and stuff.
Back to the relationship advice stuff.
Let's go over Ex advice,
since almost everyone has one.
First off:
If you and your significant other just split up, I'm sorry because it hurts.
I know it may be hard, but you have to cut off connection with them.
Yes, you can "still be friends", but not right now.
When you've just separated from someone,
maintaining contact will only make the situation worse for you both.
Don't drag it out.
Later on you can be friends,
right now you're exes.
Getting over someone you loved takes time.
There's an equation that will give you a rough estimate of how much time it will take you to get over them.
Basically it's like this:
X/2= :)
AKA The time you were dating them, divided by two, will give you the amount of time it will take you to be over them, at the greatest.
So say I date someone for 5 months, then we break up. It will take me 2.5 months AT MOST to be over them. Usually you're over them before that time.
BUT, the only way to get over them, is to not be around them or talk to them.
Your heart needs time to heal
and your brain needs to remember how to be without them again.
Erase them from your phone.
That way you're not tempted to call or text them.
Unless they did something terrible, erasing them from your Facebook is unnecessary because it can cause drama.
However if they cheated on you or did something bad,
erase away!
You don't want to constantly look at their page,
so if you don't want to erase them,
then hide them from your news feed.
That way when they put up a picture with a new person,
you don't go stalk their page. [Note: Avoid looking at their page. Facebook is the NUMBER 1 cause of break-ups in America. It makes people jump to conclusions]
If they contact you and it was a mutual or a clean break-up,
You can politely say you both need space and time away from each other.
Tell them you will contact them when you're ready to be friends again.
If they contact you begging for you back after they cheated on you,
ignore them.
Block them.
Once a cheater,
always a cheater.
You gotta protect yourself line.
Keepin' it in perspective.
Happy to help:]
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