Thursday, July 29, 2010


My best friend's Father passed away sixteen years ago today.
I couldn't imagine being without my Dad.
They're so important,
especially for girls.
They teach you to be strong
and independent
and to know exactly what you deserve.
Most girls will marry a guy like their Dad.
So a good Dad is one of the greatest things.
Love your Dad while you've got him around.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sorry There's No Violins.

Those who choose to wallow in their misery
are never going to be happy.
Yeah, shit happens.
People get sick,
bad grades.
You lose people,
you miss events,
you're broke and you can't eat dairy. [hey this would be a bummer]
This happens to probably at least a few thousand people daily.
The world is not out to get you.
You can be upset sometimes,
but not every week.
If you spend your entire life complaining about the things you don't have
and the things that are going wrong,
you're going to miss a lot of beauty in the world.
Not to mention,
you do not want to be the person complaining so much
that everyone thinks your pathetic.
Have a little pride.
Don't tell every person you see that your life is in a shit place right now.
Don't post on your Myspace, Twitter, Facebook that you're so depressed because blah blah blah.
And please,
if you take any advice from this,
do NOT make it clear to someone that you're pining over
that you're depressed because of them.
This will only serve as a repellent to them,
because personally I don't like the type who acts pathetic and dependent.
Before I'd date someone,
they have to prove that they're independent.
Your happiness should never rely on anyone else.
You're in charge of how you feel.
Sometimes life throws a lot of adversity your way,
but you're not the only one.
People everywhere are going through the exact same thing
and worse.
And eventually,
no one will want to be around the negativity.
Misery is an ugly black hole that absorbs everyone around it.
Don't be the person carrying it.
How can you do this you might ask?
Realize not everything is in your control,
but know that your attitude is 100 percent yours.
You can be happy if you want to.
It's your choice.
Feeling bummed?
Go run or something.
Do what you like to do.
Just don't let sadness get the best of you,
because once it's there it will only make everything worse.
You're an incredible person.
Show that ex you're much better off without them. [this is how you can get them back btw]
You're professor gave you a C when you deserved an A?
Well think of it this way,
how miserable of a person do you have to be to give someone a lower grade than they deserve?
Just feel bad for them and realize you don't want to be that person.
This is applied to everyone that's a shallow, immature jerk.
They're that way because they don't like themselves or their life.
See how no one likes them?
Don't be that guy/girl.
And if you're really really bummed and can't feel better,
maybe you should seek professional help.
Because sometimes it's something more than a bad day.
Usually however,
it's all how you look at life.
Just keep on truckin'
cuz if you're at your lowest
it's gotta get better.
Keep your chin up line,
tomorrow will be a better day.
There's beauty everywhere.
Open your eyes to it.
Just keeping it in perspective.

Happy to help,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Liars Go to Hell

If there's one thing I can not stand,
it's liars.
And not just lying,
but when people lie and then continue to lie about their lie.
First off,
don't lie. [duh]
if you did lie and you get called on it,
just admit it.
Do not continue to lie about lying because it makes people like me
want to punch you in the face. [multiple times with extreme force]
Plus it makes you look delusional AND unintelligent. [ AKA not what you wanna be]
So just keep it real.
Be honest,
and if someone has any decency they will at least value your honesty.
Happy to help.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Let's All Just Be Friends

Today was a pretty excellent day.
I went to the good old Oregon Country Fair.
The best thing about that place is by far the people.
Everyone is so chill there.
No one's judging you by what you're wearing
and everyone's just lettin' their freak flag fly high.
I wish the whole world could be as accepting as my fellow fairgoers.
It'd make everything so much easier and less stressful
if people weren't so concerned about appearances.
We could all just be one big happy planet.
So goal of this entry,
be more accepting of others.
Don't judge a book by it's cover
and if you get the opportunity to talk to someone who would usually be outside of your social group,
do it.
Grow from it and learn.
This will make the world a little better place
and you may score a new friend.
Keep it real Line.
Happy to help,


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Use Your Words.

Today has been ok...
I went to class, read some of that stupid book "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" [it's my most current enemy. Required reading for my J 100 class. AKA garbage. [The book. Not the class]] and then went to work.
I'd say the best part was work. [I work at a daycare]
Mostly because little kids are super cool.
You know what one of the best things about kids is?
They're so upfront with each other. [little little kids.]
For example:
Emily wanted to ride in the cardboard car, but Nathan was in it.
Emily tried to push Nathan off of the car. [unsuccessful]
So then she did the thing everyone just needs to learn to do.
She used her words.
"Nathan, I would like to drive the car."
"Okayyy, I wanna push it!"
It's just that simple.
Think of all the anger and grudges we could save if we all just said what we wanted to say.
I mean, sometimes it's definitely best to keep your mouth shut [AKA "Oh my god I hate myself. Look at my butt. I'm like a size massive. I'm such a whale I hate myself how can you be seen with me. Don't you think I've gained weight?" The obvious, smart and safe response to this is to appear pre-occupied with something else and just shake your head.]
But when having a legitimate conversation or argument with someone,
be sure to actually verbalize what's wrong. [Yes. I want you to talk about your feelings.]
Because if you don't,
they're not gonna know and it will just bother you waaayyyy more than it needs to.
Don't be passive aggressive.
Use your words.
Got your back.
As always,
Happy to help.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 2, Slashing Tires and Relationship Advice.

Nothing cool happened today.
So, I'm gonna default with some more tips in Bee's Guide to Not Sucking at Life.
Let's pick a topic.
It has to be a good one.
Interesting and relevent...
Let's talk about relationships.
Not the one you have with your dog or Mom.
The one with your boyfriend/girlfriend/wanna be significant other.
I have a few friends who are going through a tough time because they're into someone who doesn't return the feelings.
This totally blows obviously, but sometimes you gotta realize that
they're just not into you.
And when they're not into you,
don't bother.
You can't force someone to like you and definitely not to love you.
And honestly, you shouldn't want to.
You want someone who thinks you are the best person they've ever met.
The someone who will bring you orange juice when you're sick
and not make fun of you for liking that stupid tv show. [alright, they'll tease a little, but just cuz they like having fun with you]
And if you happen to find this someone and it turns out they decide they're looking for a different someone you can do 1 of 2 things.
Be all upset and angry about it, slash their tires, spread rumors about their stamina and std records and hate them.
Recognize that it just wasn't meant to be and keep looking.
This is hard to do. [mostly because #1 sounds so appealing]
Another thing to think about is that sometimes it's no one's fault.
Sometimes it's just not working.
Sometimes it's you.
Then again sometimes it's all they're fault and they really are a jerk.
And you know, it's ok to feel this way.
Especially if it makes it easier for you to get over them. [usually it does]
BUT make sure not to be a jerk to someone who doesn't deserve it.
One more thing.
If you keep running into the same problem with every person you date,
you should probably take a look at yourself,
because maybe it's you.
Just keepin it in perpective Line.
Got your back.

Happy to help,


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Blog number one.
I always made fun of bloggers. [sorry guys]
I'll probably continue to make fun. [again, sorry]
But, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
This blog is another step in my pursuit of success.
I recently changed majors from pre-med to journalism. [sorry to those who are disappointed]
I've got a list of what I want to do.
I like options.
I always have.
Luckily the list is getting shorter as I cross things off.
I'm currently going through the list, in the form of classes.
I go to the University of Oregon.
Big school.
Lots of classes.
Lots of options. [you see the appeal right?]
Anyway, here's my point.
This is my blog.
It will help you get through your life, because I'm living mine so you can learn from my mistakes.
We can call it:
"Bee's Guide to Not Sucking at Life".
So let's learn together.
We can have each others' backs.
Happy to help.
